Webinar STORYTELLING AND CITIES. How to fall in love with the place where you live?

Unlock the power of storytelling to highlight your city’s unique cultural strengths and create a compelling narrative that truly resonates with its residents. In this webinar, you will discover practical strategies for engaging local communities, boosting cooperation, and fostering a strong sense of belonging. Gain valuable insights on how small cities can revitalize themselves from within by focusing on their own residents, building pride and identity.
Una Rozenbauma, a creative director and expert in storytelling, will share practical approaches for building a city’s cultural identity. With experience in promoting Latvian culture and creating powerful narratives, Una will offer valuable insights on how storytelling can transform community engagement and strengthen a city’s identity.
Monday, November 4, 9:00 CET
To register for the webinar, follow: https://forms.office.com/e/ANx4bmFDKD
Zoom link for the webinar here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85472089942