
Here you can find a useful and inspirational materials to learn more about the social resilience, how it can be strengthened using culture and various cultural tools.


Seed Money Initiative Roadmap

Seed Money Initiative Roadmap

The Seed Money Initiative serves as the BSR Cultural Pearls project’s method tosupport the awarded BSR Cultural Pearls in piloting andtesting new creative solution activities with their localCultural and Creative Sector (CCS) practitioners. It offersfinancial assistance to encourage the Pearls to engage withtheir local CCS in innovative ways and to utilize creativeservices effectively to foster…

BSR Cultural Pearls Guidebook

BSR Cultural Pearls Guidebook

This guidebook serves as an introduction for local and regional authorities who want to strengthen and empower their communities.   We believe that strong, capable and engaged communities can create liveable, well-managed cities prepared for the future. They ensure better lives for their inhabitants, allow for better decision-making, and ultimately create resilient societies able to withstand…