Application for BSR Cultural Pearls title 2026 is OPEN!
Applications must be submitted in English using the online form.
You can familiarize yourself with the application by opening or downloading the application form Preview file.
For procedural details and full selection timeline please consult the Guide for Applicants.
The deadline for application submission is 4 April 2025, 23:59 CET.
*For questions please contact Ms Egija Salnikova via
To better prepare yourself we suggest consulting Culture for Resilience Guidebook (available in English, German and Latvian) giving answers to the following questions:
- What is social resilience?
- How does culture build social resilience?
- Why participation matters? Where do I start? – The Culture and Resilience Action Plan
- It also provides examples and inspiration.
Conditions of Entry*
Application procedure
The Selection Process
BSR Cultural Pearl selection has two stages.

Overarching criteria
Willingness to strengthen culture-driven social resilience in your town or city and the role of BSR Cultural Pearls program in helping you doing that.
Understanding local community needs, challenges and strengths.
Cros-sectoral team with the strong will and ability to learn and transfer the knowledge into the actions.
Readiness to cooperate with local NGO’s, Culture and Creative Sector actors.
Capacity of human and financial resources to participate in the programme, develop and implement the culture driven social resilience action plan.
Openness for cross-border cooperations and knowledge exchange within Baltic Sea Region.
Pre-Selection criteria
Clear and compelling motivation to become a BSR Cultural Pearl.
Innovative and holistic general approach to the programme and activities it plans to carry out as a BSR Cultural Pearl.
Potential to generate real and sustainable impact in strengthening culture-driven resilience.
An open, inclusive, and cross-sectorial engagement of different stakeholders in the application and implementation process.
Final Selection criteria
A well-articulated, clear, and high-quality Culture and Resilience Action Plan.
Cultural tools used to co-create the applicant’s Culture and Resilience Action Plan with citizens and other stakeholders, and to achieve the goals identified are innovative, creative.
The applicant applies a truly participatory approach and envisages a broad engagement of different stakeholders both inside the administration (i.e. across departments) and outside throughout the process.
Good balance between being ambitious yet realistic and achievable.
The applicant’s Culture and Resilience Action Plan will have a long-lasting and meaningful impact on addressing its current challenges.
The applicant has demonstrated its capacity to deliver the planned projects and initiatives both in terms of human, physical and financial resources.
Awarding & Publicity
An international awarding ceremony will take place at the official announcement of the selection results in December 2025.
By becoming a “Pearl” you gain national and Baltic Sea Region wide visibility. From the moment of the announcement and during the whole program you are in the spotlight – with the support of the local partners all the working phases are captured in photos, videos, stories are shared as part of a larger communication campaign.
*To be eligible for the BSR Cultural Pearls title the applicant needs to be a local authority (e.g. municipality, district, city or town council or other public institution responsible for public services within a given territory). A municipal department, a public library or other local public institution can apply on behalf of the city or town. We do not require a decision from the political level, such as the mayor or council.
The jury will assess the composition of the team applying, and it is strongly encouraged to ensure active participation from more than one department or institution, as well as civil society participation. In the same spirit, evidence of political support is encouraged but not required. A local authority can apply on behalf of a smaller entity within its territory, i.e. a town located in the municipality or district. The Cultural Pearl title is then awarded to this entity. Non-public institutions such as NGOs or CCS actors can be partners in the application.